avishkaar karana example and sentences
हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण
Similarly, the value of the metal in a five-rupee coin is probably not worth Rs Why then do people accept such notes and coins in exchange of goods which are apparently more valuable than these? The value of the currency notes and coins is derived from the guarantee provided by the issuing authority of these items.
When you can find a silver coin in a heap of garbage, you don't stop scrounging, for there is hope of finding more.
But I'm telling you, that day they actually spoke! One coin said, “What are you thinking about? Those fresh, hot jalebis coming out of the kadhao in the shop over there, they're not coming out for nothing.
The coin of those days, the wretched thing, made so much more noise too! Finally, in a panic, I grabbed all four of them and held them tight in my fist and then they were silent.Transliterated examples :
1. An attempt to match the currency and the unit of account dates back to 1360, when John the Good minted a gold coin called rex francorum or "frank" during a tournament book 2. of Fiore (Flower), meaning a coin struck in Florence in 1252 (so called because it was engraved lily arms of that city) and then widespread in the other Italian states and European (v 3. The 20 King received his tribute, and allowed him to tell the Prince of Orange by the grace of God, to coin money ( 4. tricordum in glosses twelfth s I throw me a coin on both [fighters], grasping the Schoolmaster by a jitter (SUE, Myst 5. We speak mainly of cash or bullion gold, amount of precious metal coin or bullion, a central bank keeps in his coffersGiven are the examples of hindi word avishkaar karana usage in english sentences. The examples of avishkaar karana are provided according to its meaning(s) in english language i.e., coin.
The Khalsa declared their sovereign rule by striking their own coin again in 176 Significantly, this coin bore the same inscription as the one on the orders issued by the Khalsa in the time of Banda Bahadur.
Similarly, the value of the metal in a five-rupee coin is probably not worth Rs Why then do people accept such notes and coins in exchange of goods which are apparently more valuable than these? The value of the currency notes and coins is derived from the guarantee provided by the issuing authority of these items.
When you can find a silver coin in a heap of garbage, you don't stop scrounging, for there is hope of finding more.
But I'm telling you, that day they actually spoke! One coin said, “What are you thinking about? Those fresh, hot jalebis coming out of the kadhao in the shop over there, they're not coming out for nothing.
Immediately, the oldest coin said, “Here we are trying to tell you something for your own good and you try to strangle us instead.
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